Women make up 51% of McHenry County’s population, yet we are significantly underrepresented in the number of female elected officials.
McHenry County Democratic Women plan to change this!
Join us for a Holiday Social
THURSDAY DECEMBER 12th | 6 to 9 pm
Jingle, Mingle and come together to celebrate the season
with the McHenry County Democratic Women
$10 Donation Requested | Appetizers | Cash Bar
RSVP at https://tinyurl.com/mccdwsocial
Not a McCDW member? Become one when you RSVP!
Memberships renew at the beginning of every year. Not sure if you are current? Email info@mccdw.net.
Empower and Support
When women come together for a common goal, we get things done. As we grow, we will be able to affect the change we all desire in the demographics and diversity of leadership in our county.
Money is an important tool in elections. McCDW will help financially support women candidates so they can spend their valuable time on their campaign instead of fundraising.
Campaign Management
Running for office means a lot of time management and planning skills. McCDW will help train and support our women candidates so they have the skills necessary to win their election.
Our Mission Statement
McCDW is a Democratic women’s organization with its purpose being to encourage, empower and support women running for partisan and non-partisan local and state offices.
McCDW seeks to overcome the unique obstacles women encounter as candidates particularly in raising funds, campaign management, and attracting grassroots support.
McHenry County Democratic Women
PO Box 2117
Crystal Lake, IL 60039
Paid for by McHenry County Democratic Women. A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is available on the Board's official website (www.elections.il.gov) or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.